Oct 26, 2021 | Alissa Bartlett | 193 views
Important Hoops 4 Fun Information
Important Hoops 4 Fun Information (2021-22)
4 Fun will begin on Wednesday November 3.
Please read the rest of the article for VERY important details.
All games will take place at the Burnside AgriPlex.
Times for each division are as follows:
1. SK-2 5:00
2. Grade 3-4 6:00
3. Grade 5-6 7:00
4. Grade 7-8 8:00
5. High School 9:00
The first three weeks of the program will be skill development and player evaluation.
Following the first three weeks, teams will be made.
Games will begin on November 24th.
Due to ongoing issues around COVID 19, all parents, guardians, coaches,volunteers and players must follow certain protocols when entering the Burnside AgriPlex. For the time being we are asking that there only be one spectator per participant.
The following steps must be followed for entry :
1. All parents, guardians, coaches, volunteers and participants must confirm vaccination status (12+ years old)
2. All parents, guardians, coaches, volunteers and participants must complete a daily screening form prior to entry.
This form is included as an attachment with email sent to participating families. The form will also be available to be downloaded from our website.
Parents/ guardians are asked to complete the form and bring it with them each time they enter the Burnside AgiPlex. Hard copies will be available on site.
***all protocols are subject to change as per direction from the City of Stratford and and Huron Perth Public Health Unit***